Established in 1998 by three childhood friends after their graduation, Cotton Web Limited has grown one step at a time to a complete unit with its own fabric storage, cutting, stitching, embroidery, printing, complete washing set up, finishing and packing, all under one roof with the current capacity of 1.1 Million pieces a month and a turnover of US$ 74 million and growing. The company has grown with a strong belief on Integrity, Respect, Team Player, Positive Attitude, Dependable and Result Orientation which are the core values inculcated in each of its employees.
The future plans of the company is to achieve 1.5 Million pieces a month mark in the fiscal year of 2025. With the best and the most sustainable practices of the industry of less usage of natural resources. We have engaged all possible measures which include the use of Jeanologia lasers, Ozone, Jeanologia E-Flow Machinery with EMI score software, alternate solutions to hazardous chemical and pumice stones for washing and upgrading our ETP Plant to a more ecological and biological waste water treatment plant.
From the start, Cotton Web has taken the directions to certify each and every process of the operations with the globally accepted organization and kept up to mark with the best practices of the industry. With all required certifications of ISO 14001, OEKOTEX, Social Compliance, Sustainability and CSR activities, we can proudly state that the core ideology which defines Cotton Web is that We, as a team of professionals, consciously commit to deliver on our promises in a disciplined way.